Insurance Q and A
What is an Estimated Co-pay?

Estimated Co-pay refers to a percentage determined by your insurance plan that you will be responsible for once the insurance company has processed your claim. For example: if your coverage is 80/20, that means you are responsible for 20% of the allowed charges. These percentages are set by your insurance company and they are considered an estimate because we will not know the final amount until after billing is complete. This final amount is based on your particular insurance plan. Therefore, if we ask you to pay $30.00 at each visit, the $30.00 will be applied to your ending balance. The final amount you will be required to pay is undetermined until your insurance processes your claims. Once we have received 

What is a Flat Co-pay?

A co-payment is a set dollar amount determined by your insurance plan that is due at each visit. For example, if your insurance plan requires you to pay a $15.00 co-pay, this will be due each time you come for therapy.

Will the money I pay at every visit cover all my expenses toward my balance?

The money you pay at each visit usually covers only a portion of your current balance. We expect the balance to be paid by your insurance carrier. However, you will ultimately be responsible for your balance if your insurance doesn’t cover it. If your insurance ended up covering more than expected you over paid us, we will issue you a reimbursement. 

Treatment Q and A
How long is each session?

Each session is about 1 hour. Please show up 5-10 mins prior to your appointment. 

What to Expect on Your First Visit

In preparation for your first appointment with our office, please download and fill out our NEW PATIENT INTAKE FORM, and bring them with you to your first scheduled visit.

We suggest that you arrive 10-15 minutes before the start of your first scheduled appointment to complete our registration process. Please bring:

  • Forms you completed at home
  • Therapy Prescription (if you have one)
  • Insurance Card / Case Number
  • Any relevant diagnostic reports you may have (for example: x-ray or MRI)
  • Wear comfortable clothes that will allow the Physical Therapist access to the body part for which you are being seen

Our Physical Therapist will be doing an extensive examination that involves questions regarding your symptoms and performing a series of test/measures for strength, ROM, and function. Please be sure to tell your Physical Therapist about any previous therapy treatments you may have had, as well as the results.